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倒计时 3 天,InnoBlock 2024 即将拉开帷幕!

Web3技术正在引领一场全球性的技术革命,推动互联网产业迈向深度变革与重构的新时代。在这场数字革命中,创新不仅是Web3行业持续发展的动力引擎,更是其未来布局的关键战略所在。围绕这一趋势,ABGA与BBS携手合作,将于9月16-17日,在新加坡Expo举办为期两天的Web3行业创新盛会——InnoBlock 2024。此次活动将汇聚来自20多个国家的区块链领袖,近150位来自Web3行业的头部公链、VC、交易所、媒体社区、知名项目的领军人物将一同和与会来宾们面对面讨论。截至发稿时,峰会全渠道已有超过5,000人报名参与,充分彰显了活动主题和嘉宾阵容在业内的强大吸引力。InnoBlock 2024 预计将在 Token2049 期间对 Web3 行业产生广泛深远的影响

本次大会由ABGA和BBS联合主办,Imagine Creation Combinator (ICC)、DePIN X、Parasail 及 Metis 联合协办,旨在汇聚行业内的顶尖专家与领袖,共同探讨Web3技术的前沿动态与应用前景,推动创新成果的落地,并加速生态系统的建设。此次盛会不仅致力于通过创新赋能Web3行业,推动亚太地区经济的进一步发展,还涵盖了从行业宏观趋势到Web3生态系统开发与建设的广泛议题,吸引了百余位行业专家大咖齐聚一堂,共同探讨Web3行业的无限可能。

本次活动将设有两个主会场Stage和一个Open Stage。为期两天的峰会议程将呈现23场主题演讲、26场圆桌讨论和3场围炉谈话,内容涵盖 Web3、AI、GameFi、DePIN 等热门领域。其中,9月17日当地时间上午在Stage 2舞台将举行Metis、ABGA 与 Google Cloud 合作发起的Web3游戏创业加速营—— GameFi Quantum Leap: Metis & ABGA Accelerator Program in Partnership with Google Cloud Web3 的启动仪式。该加速营旨在引导经验丰富的Web2团队应对区块链和GameFi领域的复杂性,为初创团队提供坚实的资源支持和高达千万美元的专项基金,助力这些团队在Web3领域实现创新发展与长期成功。

此外,Open Stage舞台将呈现两场备受关注的活动:Miss Universe Singapore InnoBlock 巡演和Airdrop Demoday。Miss Universe Singapore InnoBlock 巡演将展示优雅与Web3未来的结合,而Airdrop Demoday则为参与者提供与顶级项目团队和投资者互动的机会。这些活动将进一步丰富现场体验,提升观众的参与感和互动性,为峰会增添更多活力。




10:30 – 11:15

Panel 1 – Navigating the Global Regulatory Landscape: Aligning Policies for Crypto Innovation and Compliance

11:15 – 12:00

Panel 2 – Bitcoin ETFs and Traditional Finance: Bridging the Gap

12:00 – 12:45

Panel 3 – When AI Embraces Web3 for Humanity

14:00 – 14:15

Keynote 1- GenAI Games & Depin

14:15 – 14:40

Fireside Chat 1 with Coinbase – Charting the Course In the Age of Web3


Keynote 2: Understanding Web3 Users in 2024: Evolving to Fuel Industry Adoption

14:55 – 15:20

Fireside Chat 2 with Animoca Brands – Web3 + Gaming = 1 Billion Crypto Users

15:20 – 16:05

Panel 4 – Building the Backbone of Bitcoin: Evolving Infrastructure for Scalability and Security

16:05 – 16:50

Panel 5 – Fortifying Digital Assets: Best Practices for Secure Management and Custody

16:50 – 17:05

Keynote 3 – Make NFT Great Again, from STEPN to STEPN GO

17:05 – 17:50

Panel 6 – Global Crypto Markets Overview: Navigating Regulatory Policies, Market Trends, and Investment Opportunities

-Stage 2:

10:30 – 10:45

Keynote 1- Harnessing AI from Global Majority with DePIN and Web3.0

10:45 – 11:30

Panel 1 – AI from Global Majority

11:30 – 12:15

Panel 2 – The Convergence of AI and Crypto: Unlocking New Frontiers in Decentralized Intelligence

12:15 – 12:30

Keynote 2- Build Trustless Humanity by Fighting the Bots

12:30 – 12:45

Keynote 3 – The Future of Decentralized AI

14:00 – 14:15

Keynote 4 – How to Develop the Dedidated Incubator for Web Applications

14:15 – 15:00

Panel 3 – Assets and Infrastructure: Exploring the Intersection of DePIN and Real-World Assets in Web3

15:00 – 15:15

Keynote 5 – BeFi Meets DeFi: How Behavioral Finance Drives Mass Adoption in DeFi

15:15 – 15:30

Keynote 6 – The Innovative Solutions for Growth in Web3.0 Era

15:30 – 16:15

Panel 4 – Bridging CeFi and DeFi: Opportunities and Challenges in CeDeFi Integration

16:15 – 16:30

Keynote 7 – AEON: Key to Enabling Web3 Game Monetization and Mass Adoption on TON

16:30 – 17:15

Panel 5 – Unlocking the Potential of the TON Ecosystem

17:15 – 18:00

Panel 6 – Challenges and Strategies for Leading Crypto Exchanges



10:15 – 11:00

Panel 1 – Transformation of Gaming Guild

11:00 – 11:15

Keynote 1: Redefining Data Privacy with Decentralized Storage-GhostDrive

11:15 – 12:00

Panel 2 – Advancing Public Blockchain Infrastructure: Technological Innovations and Strategic Directions

12:00 – 12:45

Panel 3 – From Bitcoin to Broader Crypto: How VCs are Driving Innovation and Growth in the Blockchain Space

14:00 – 14:15

Keynote 2 – Why Ronin Network is the ideal place to launch a blockchain game

14:15 – 14:30

Keynote 3 – How Brands & Creators are co-building the open Metaverse

14:30 – 14:45

Keynote 4 – Fat Protocols to Fat Apps

14:45 – 15:30

Panel 4 – From Concept to Reality: Key Success Factors for Web3 Gaming Projects in a Competitive Landscape

15:30 – 15:45

Keynote 5 – Infinitar: Creating a New MOBA GameFi Metaverse

15:45 – 16:00

Keynote 6 – Unlocking the Potential of Web3 Gaming: Strategies for User Acquisition

16:00 – 16:15

Keynote 7 – Yeeha!: Building the Epic Games of Web3

16:15 – 17:00

Panel 5 – Navigating Investment Strategies in Web3 Gaming

17:00 – 17:45

Panel 6 – Building and Scaling Gaming Ecosystems on Public Blockchains: Challenges, Innovations, and Future Directions

17:45- 18:05

Fireside Chat 1 with Bitcoin OG – The Origins of Bitcoin: From the Genesis Block to Today’s Global Phenomenon

-Stage 2:

10:50 – 11:00

Program Launch Ceremony

11:00 – 11:15

Keynote 1 – The Future of GameFi Quantum Leap

11:15 – 12:00

Panel 1 – Future of Play: Breaking Down Barriers Between Web2 and Web3 Games

DePIN 分论坛 – DePIN Mass Adoption by Parasail and DePIN X

13:30 – 14:00 – Registration

14:00 – 14:10 – Opening Address

14:10 – 14:25

Keynote 2: Powering the “X”s in DePIN with H100

14:25 – 14:40

Keynote 3: The Eyes and Ears of AI

14:40 – 15:10

Panel 2: The Next Big Thing: Identifying Projects with Mass Market Potential

15:10 – 15:25

Keynote 4: Decentralized Business Intelligence with Swan Chain's AI Agent

15:25 – 15:40

Keynote 5: Beyond Legacy RTC: DePIN’s Disruption of Real-Time Communication

15:40 – 16:10

Panel 3: Opportunities and Challenges for DePIN Mass Adoption

16:10 – 16:25

Keynote 6: Breaking Through the Data Wall with User Owned AI

16:25 – 16:50

Keynote 7: Balancing DePIN Supply & Demand via DeFi-oriented Orchestration

16:50 – 17:20

Panel 4: Multi-DePIN Infrastructure for Scalable Growth

17:20 – 17:30 – Closing Remarks

本次峰会自官宣以来,受到了业内广泛关注,并得到了诸多行业伙伴的鼎力支持。其中,Gamp、Seraph、Privasea、GhostDrive、Advertising Time Token (ATT) 及 Infinitar 为金牌赞助商;Footprint Analytics、D’islands、InitVerse、XPIN Network、Alchemy Pay、SafePal、Metay.ai、Seed.Photo、Pika、Allin Exchange、IXO Protocol、JoinCare、AEON、Mumubit、IBIT、Nesa、Moomoo Financial Singapore、XenoBunny、Halfwish、Alien、Beosin、PING 及Mbit Wallet 为银牌赞助商;DeepBrain Chain、DeepLink、DecentralGPT、DRCPad、DBC Capital 和 DeepAITalk 为AI展区赞助商。此外,MetaEra作为战略伙伴,Web3Labs作为生态伙伴,Dethings为首席媒体合作伙伴,Google Cloud为云合作伙伴,LingoAI与Web3 Alliance (W3A) 担任AI指导单位。Polaris Marketing、Eurasia Blockchain、TONSquare、DuckChain、Crydit、Digitalabs及Artificial Intelligence International Institute (AIII) 作为支持伙伴,为本次峰会的成功举办提供了重要助力。

以下为具体的speaker list:

InnoBlock 2024将成为行业内重要的交流与创新平台,为行业专家、投资者及技术爱好者提供深入探讨Web3技术及其应用的机会。此次盛会不仅展示Web3技术的最新进展,还为未来的发展趋势提供前瞻性的见解。

我们诚邀各界人士关注InnoBlock 2024,共同探索Web3领域的创新潜力。随着Web3技术不断发展,本次峰会将呈现行业的最新动态和未来趋势。期待与您共同见证Web3的未来,携手迈向新的高峰。





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